Being born in Turlock, I am proud to now serve the community where I was raised. I am committed to providing high quality, patient centered care with compassion and dedication to each one of my patients regardless of race, religion, and socioeconomic status. I am here to serve my community and take part in the movement of Direct Primary Care. Direct Primary care is a new model of healthcare which gives patients direct access to the physician at all times, helping avoid unnecessary urgent and emergency room visits. I believe health care should be affordable and accessible. As your physician, I look forward to taking part in helping you reach your utter most health. Together we can treat any acute and chronic conditions. Together we will be on your way to better health while saving money. I look forward to the opportunity of being your family Doctor
Haber nacido en Turlock, estoy orgulloso de servir ahora a la comunidad donde me crié. Estoy comprometido a proporcionar atención de alta calidad, centrada en el paciente con compasión y dedicación a cada uno de mis pacientes, independientemente de su raza, religión y estatus socioeconómico. Estoy aquí para servir a mi comunidad y participar en el movimiento de Atención Primaria Directa. La atención primaria directa es un nuevo modelo de atención médica que da a los pacientes acceso directo al médico en todo momento, ayudando a evitar visitas innecesarias urgentes y de urgencias. Creo que la atención médica debe ser accesible. Como su médico, espero poder participar en ayudarle a alcanzar su mejor salud. Juntos podemos tratar cualquier condición aguda y crónica. Juntos estaremos en su camino hacia una mejor salud mientras ahorra dinero. Espero la oportunidad de ser su médico de familia
Meet the Team
Dealing with health issues can be a difficult situation. You shouldn’t have to go it alone. The Buen Vita Health Inc. team is highly skilled, experienced and always has our patients’ best interests and wellbeing at heart. Meet the faces that are running the office, and schedule your
appointment today.
Karla Buenrostro, RN
Certified Aesthetics Nurse

Hello my name is Karla Buenrostro. I am a Registered nurse and recently completed my bachelor in nursing from California State University, Stanislaus. I am also a mother of two beautiful children and married to wonderful man. My future goal is to become a family nurse practitioner and see patients along my husband Dr. Buenrostro. My desire is for patients not only to feel their best, but look their best through aesthetics procedures remembering that we are all uniquely and beautifully made. I look forward to being your aesthetics nurse.
My name is Romel Zare, and I was born in Iran, but have spent most of my life now in Turlock. My family and I moved here in 1999 and I started as a freshman at Turlock High. I have been married for 10 years now, and we have two amazing kids.
After graduating from CSU Stanislaus with my Bachelor of Science in Accounting, I joined a CPA firm working on Individual’s and their Businesses tax returns. I am currently working as a Financial Analyst at E&J Gallo Winery, and now have decided to use my 10 years of accounting and finance experience to joined Buen Vita Health to help launch a new and unique medical practice, which is 100% focused on providing value to all its members.
Doctors take an oath to “do no harm”. We believe that also includes no financial harm, but as long as the government and insurance companies stand between Doctors and Patients that is not possible. Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to learn more about our vision.
Romel Zare

Jose B
Front Office

I'm Jose Front desk and I'm a first generation American and I have lived in Turlock most of my life. I am currently enrolled at a Medical Assistant Program in Modesto Institute of technology and am pursuing more education in becoming a Registered nurse. Providing healthcare to everyone is important to me because I have family members who can't afford health care because of their legal status and with direct primary care they are able to have basic healthcare. I will be the first face you see when you enter the office and I will be there when you have any scheduling and billing questions .